8 Ways To Shop In The Season of Sale



Well when the season of discounts come everyone gets excited and especially girls. After seeing the discounts and the amazing deals that the brands offer, we tend to get carried away. Even I do but now after so many years I have found a way to shop correctly and how to control yourself (which is difficult) after seeing the tempting offers. 

  1. Make a List : Always make a list of things you want to buy and also of things which are essentials. Make a list of things that you don’t own and want to own. Do not write unnecessary things in your list which you already have. List down also the brands from which you want buy and visit those stores first.
  2. Search for Deals : Lookout for deals like Buy one get one free or Buy one get one half off. Because you can buy more in such case and you will get the advantage of buy two instead of one. 
  3. Discounts: Lookout for discounts like 50% or 70% off. But make sure you check all the things you buy thoroughly because sometimes things can be defective and you cannot return the stuff you buy on discounts.
  4. Go for Brand Names : Go for Brand names like ZARA, VERO MODA, MANGO OR ALDO. In these stores you can find nice discounts on good clothes and accessories. Since they are bit expensive brands you can totally buy a lot of things during the Sale period. 
  5. BUY/GET A MEMBERSHIP : Before or during the Sale period make sure you have the membership card of the store you are buying from. This is not compulsory but it is very beneficial for the shopaholics. As some cards offer points to your account which you can redeem or you can also get additional 5-7% discount on the purchase depending on the policy of the store.
  6. ONLINE SHOPPING : If you are a shopper from home, then make sure that you are registered to the websites from where you are shopping to get the additional benefit. Always read the specifications properly before buying. Make sure you know your size well as different companies follow different size structure. Make sure to read the size chart. Also read the reviews before ordering any technological or electronic items. 
  7. CHECK FOR ADDITIONAL BENEFIT : While shopping online see the deals and additional offers. Look for services the company is offering you like premium services. For example FLIPKART FIRST i.e you get first preference than other buyers when you order and it gets delivered to you in a day and many other benefits.
  8. WEEK DAYS : Make sure you visit the shops on WEEK DAYS rather than WEEK ENDS. This is because on weekends there is so much rush and the store is so unorganized that it becomes hard  to see and buy stuff that you want. Even the trial rooms busy and rushed. So go on weekdays to shop to avoid the hustle and bustle. 

These are some tips to smart shopping during the SALE seasons. I hope that this helps.






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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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