8 #WillMediaCoverNariShaktiRally4Bapuji Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



  1. “Demand of women activists- ‘Give Justice to INNOCENT Asaram Bapu Ji ASAP’ ?
  2. Fake POCSO Fake Allegation Still no Justice, Why? 1000’s of women protesting!
  3. Media cheating viewers by misusing ‘Consumer Psychology’ Media is hiding Support of women 4 Bapuji!
  4. No Media coverage for this Rally! Why? as 1000s of women are supporting INNOCENT Bapuji in rally
  5.   1 girl made fake story = Huge Media coverage! Now 1000s women support Asaram Bapuji Y No Coverage?
  6. 1 year passed; No Evidence; Still Bapuji in Jail! Women are organizing Rally for supporting Bapuji
  7. ? Millions of women devotees r demanding Justice for INNOCENT Asaram Bapuji
  8. 1 Nation But different law! Is it Democracy? 1000s of women are supporting INNOCENT Bapuji in rally

 (Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.)

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