9 Awesome Hilarious ‘Rahul Gandhi’ Tweets Trending On Twitter




Mirzapur, a town in Uttar Pradesh is known for its carpets. An election speech by Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi in Mirzapur makes it trending on twitter.

  1. Not sure if Obama will wear made in Mirzapur watch, but surely Rahul Gandhi‘s brain was Made in China. It stopped working long time back.
  2. Dear Rahul Gandhi, Obama was afraid of Osama Bin Laden & Saddam Hussain and look where he sent them
  3. Rahul Gandhi is not Modi’s rival. He is his ladder to the PM chair
  4. So Rahul Gandhi wants the US President to wear a made-in-Mirzapur watch? Which dolt is writing his speeches? Even Sanjay Jha seems brighter?
  5. CRACKING: American president is afraid of Youth from UP. SOURCES : Rahul Gandhi‘s brain
  6. There are 27000 crore jobs vacant in Gujarat so Rahul Gandhi is not worried about unemployment after the elections.
  7. Who will prepare rahul gandhi‘s speech on 16th to apologise to all indians for loosing elections.
  8. Rahul Gandhi make us believe that there is a limit to how wise you can be, but stupidity can be infinite.
  9. Poor man to Rahul Gandhi : Sir, Diesel is very costly.!!! Rahul Gandhi : So what ? Wear Benetton or Tommy Hilfiger instead.”

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