8 Beautiful Hair Styles For Long Hair



Love your long tresses? but don’t know how to experiment with fashions? Here is a list of 8 evergreen hairstyles you can use to dress up your long tresses into! They are simple, elegant and suit almost all face-cuts.

1. The Classic One Side Curls:

long hair1

The perfect hair do for parties or formal events, feel like a super star with this hair style in place.

2. Messy Curls


Perfect for the College prom night or evening first date, messy curls look elegant yet give you a young look at the same time.

3. Messy Bun

messy bun

The Messy Bun is for a dressy affair, be it weddings or formal sit, down dinners. The messy bun is a hit for all such occasions especially when teamed up with a pair of statement earrings.

4. Side plait

side plait

Works well with Formal or informal events, this hairstyle looks as graceful on a party gown as it does with a denim skit and t-shirt! Surprisingly looks good on Indian traditional wear too!

5. Wavy curls

wavy curls

Simple and sassy, this hair do is a good choice for college events or a hangout with friends.

6. Plait + Bun


Another one for thr dressy affair, the plait + Bun look, steals the show for Indian traditional wear and western party wear too!

7. 70’s relaoded

plait n band

Well, get a sash or a scarf and plait it along with your hair. This style is spunky and cute for the perfect college look!

8. Fish Plait

fish plait

Elegant, classic and intricate the fish plait has ruled fashionista’s and beauty queens alike on their must do hair-dos’s list. It’s a must try for one of those big occasions of you really want to look your best at!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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