9 Cool #BiggBoss8WithSalmanKhan Status, Tweets Trending on Twitter


salman khan

  1. #BiggBoss8WithSalmanKhan A show hosted by a criminal and participated by a bunch of loosers…Boycoot IT…Gang Bang Big Boss 8.
  2. Salman Khan is currently riding high on the success of his recent film Kick. #BiggBoss8WithSalmanKhan
  3. 225 Crores In 18 Days! All Set to Derail Chennai Express 😉 #BiggBoss8WithSalmanKhan
  4. Salman Khan is Ready to Host The Bigg Boss, and Really only He can Host The Bigg Boss and Nobody Else #BiggBoss8WithSalmanKhan
  5. #BiggBoss Is Rumoured To Be Scheduled Around Salman Bhai’s Schedule This Year So As To Facilitate Shuffling 4 Him! #BiggBoss8WithSalmanKhan
  6. Salman Khan is d biggest star on big screen nd smal screen! #BiggBoss8WithSalmanKhan
  7. Yes Everybody Knows He Is Fearless & Irreplaceable In Bollywood but Hope For Bestest This Time . #BiggBoss8WithSalmanKhan
  8. Even KBC cnt get That much piublicity Bcoz of Biggboss and salman is host #BiggBoss8WithSalmanKhan
  9. ”Do Whatever You Want To Do Man” Probably Most Famous Dialouge of 2013 #BiggBoss8WithSalmanKhan

 salman khan 2


By Kiruthika B


(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 


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