9 Cool Christmas Gift Ideas For College Students!


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December is on the end and as we all know Christmas is barely a week long from us. It’s time to celebrate, eat Christmas delicacies and most importantly GIFTS!!! We all wait for Christmas just in hope that what gift are we going to get this time (all of us wait impatiently even if we don’t show :p) but anyways we want something that is special and that we have been longing for the whole year (like iPhone 6 or tissot watch, well we can receive these gifts if only we had Ambani’s kids as our friends :D) jokes apart even if we are college students, I think that we still can scrape enough to buy our friends their Christmas presents. At least if we can’t buy we can make one with some of the cool DIYs given below ( after all when else can we be a little less miser and care to give at least a small present to our friend :p) well I hope you enjoy and get some fun cool gift ideas especially for a student’s budget.

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  1. Candies:-

To begin with what’s better than to have a shubh arambh with a sweet tooth? Candies are the most inexpensive gifts that we can give to our friends or families or anyone who loves them. Plus you get them in tons of variety because of the Christmas season. If you are not the one settling down so easily for ready-made candies then you can make your very own sweets.

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  1. Cards:-

These are like the most easily available gifts that you can give to your friend. To make it even more special, make one all by yourself…handmade cards are very precious for everyone and if you give one to your friends they will always treasure them.

  1. Vouchers:-

Don’t know what to do of all the coupons and vouchers, you received all throughout the year and are going to get expired?? Well just give them off to your friends and they’ll be more than happy to receive them (and also get discounts :p)

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  1. Phone covers:-

Phone covers have become more of a fashion statement more than necessity. There are loads of them available in the shops but what better way to personalize them than a DIY!

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5.  Portable Phone charger:-

Admit it or not but smart phones surely eat up all the battery and still cry out for more. What to do when you are attending an n important call and your battery is giving you point blank threats of killing itself!? ( gift your friend a portable charger. There are plenty of options on the net. Also go to your nearest electronic shop to checkout one with December sale discounted rates :p

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  1. Bag full of goodies:-

If you are the one who knows what your friend wants then this one is your bet. What better to give him/her a bag full of small gifts!? For girls out there you can give your girlfriend a bag full of her favourite lipstick, nail polish or creams like moisturiser (gal you surely need one to fight the harsh winter) lip balms etc. for boys out there, your goodie bag can comprise of face wash, shaving gel, hair gels, or wrist gears etc. surprise your friends with a goodie bag.

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  1. Headphones:-

If you are willing to splurge your friend (and also have a good budget :p) you can gift your pal with some cool pair of headphones. Since it is December, all the electronic stores give huge discounts on these items.

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  1. Books:-

Books are every man’s best friends. And they indeed are. For the one friend of yours who just cannot get enough of his verbal appetite (am really sure you have one bookworm friend) what better to give them a brand new book to read. There are a lot of new launches in the market recently (like half-girlfriend which I recently read) you can choose according to your friend’s taste. He’ll be more than happy to shove himself up in the couch to finish reading it.


9. Chocó Chocó balls:-

This one’s for those who just love coffee. These are very unusual gift to be given (and barely costing ;)) I was surfing on Pinterest and happened to see one. These are cute little twinkle balls that you can get in stationary shops. Open them up and fill them with Chocó Chocó powder or chocolate powder and little marshmallows and here you have made a DIY Chocó Chocó balls.


I hope you enjoyed going through this article and surely it helped you for some cool present ideas. At the end all you need to remember it that guys are very practical and they look for utility products while girls are just more than happy to receive even a small present. So while choosing gifts keep in mind this simple tip and yes of course your friend’s choice is also important. Finally we all need that one Santa clause moment in our life to cherish and why not make this year-end a big “ho ho merry Christmas”! and for yes for some more ideas visit YouTube.




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