Drinks are something that each and every one of us loves it. You can say our parents and senior citizens generally enjoy tea and we youngsters find coffee cool and enjoy coffee most of the day.
Coffee is something that has varieties like cappuccino, Cafe a lait, Espresso, Americano, Black coffee, white cafe, Turkish coffee, iced coffee and lots more. You can say coffee is only thing that comes in so much variety so this is one of the reason we all love coffee. There are many other reasons that coffee becomes a part and parcel of our life.
Reasons why we coffee is our favourite
- Coffee is a freshener – Most of us like coffee because for us it is a freshener to us when we are too tired from work or to make your mood alright.
- It is something that we can have anytime – There are many of us who can for no reason have coffee any time of the day
- It helps to keep my mood – We also like coffee as without it our mood gets spoilt. Some of us even agree that we get irritated if we don’t have coffee one day.
- Drinking coffee makes me happy – Like certain things and meeting some of our friends make us happy. Coffee for me is that way even the aroma of coffee makes me happy. It is just like my best friend’s company makes me coffee the same is with coffee but both have no comparisons they have their own individual place in my life (smiles)
- Coffee is a stress buster –When there is too much workload and at that time if something can make me feel better is coffee, at least for sometime…
- Some of us even love coffee because it is easiest to make and it gets ready in no time
- Some of us even love coffee because it ahs health benefits like it prevents us from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson Disease
- Some of us even love coffee because it is a drink which tastes best both hot and cold
- Coffee even is the best thing to ask a girl out – When you want to ask a girl out the best thing that works out is a coffee date
Though we like coffee but everything has its bad effects too. So coffee too should be had in limit till it doesn’t become a bad thing for us. Some things are good let it remain good.
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