9 ‘Debbie Macomber’ Quotes


Debbie Macomber is a best-selling American author of over 150 romance novels and contemporary women’s fiction. Over 170 million copies of her books are in print throughout the world, and four have become made-for-TV-movies.

 Debbie Macomber Quotes

Quotes of Debbie Macomber

1.In my books and in romance as a genre, there is a positive, uplifting feeling that leaves the reader with a sense of encouragement and hope for a brighter future – or a brighter present.

2. We all face difficulties of our own, and how comforting it is to immerse yourself in a book – my book, any book, any romance. It’s entertainment, it’s escape, and it can even be an inspiration!

3. I’ve always been a creative speller and never achieved good grades in school. I graduated from high school but didn’t have the opportunity to attend college, so I did what young women my age did at the time – I married.

4. Romance focuses on emotions and on relationships, both of which are fundamentally important to women.

5. Readers have actually changed the way I’ve done things, changed the course of my career even, about four or five times. Just from reader feedback.

6. I’m dyslexic, although they didn’t have a word for it when I was in grade school. The teachers said I had ‘word blindness.’

7. I’m a yarnaholic. That means I have more yarn stashed away than any one person could possibly use in three or four lifetimes. There’s something inspiring about yarn that makes me feel I could never have enough.

8. First and foremost, I consider myself a storyteller. And I’m endlessly fascinated with people, with what they do and why… and how they feel about it. Which means I’m interested in romance fiction. I was drawn to it, as both a reader and a writer, at the very beginning of my career. It’s my kind of storytelling.

9. My office walls are covered with autographs of famous writers – it’s what my children call my ‘dead author wall.’ I have signatures from Mark Twain, Earnest Hemingway, Jack London, Harriett Beecher Stowe, Pearl Buck, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, to name a few.




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