9 #DramaVsMerit Tweets Trending On Twitter



  1. To tune an exam according to everyone’s preference is a crazy idea. Knowledge of English is an integral aspect.Learn to adapt.
  2. To those protesting against elementary level eng in India’s prestigious position’s exams.. Better go learn some english!
  3. Neither English nor Hindi can settle this evergreen language-bias debate. Let’s make ‘Noise’ the national language of India.
  4.  Dnt increase d lvl of basic educatn,rather brng dwn d level of cmptve exm?
  5. If this is BJP’s gameplan, Nation’s stand of mistrust in them is vindicated…a reason y India voted for Modi & not to BJP
  6. A civil servant should be know english but english language can not be standard of intellectuality it can be other language.
  7. If you don’t have much control on your mother tongue, you cannot expect to have control on English.
  8. Ok great India as North India and Great India, that would be good unlikely being called Indians with these idiots…
  9. Just Bcz arnab Goswami works in English channel ..doesn’t mean English is secular..and other indian languages are Communal!



By Ravi Agnihotri

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