9 Funny ‘Rahul Gandhi’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter


rahul gandhi

  1. Hahaha! Poor Rahul Gandhi is getting withdrawal symptoms from not being able to go on his usual European holidays! Time for haircut??
  2. Rahul Gandhi‘s childish allegation of partiality against Speaker.. It’s better Pappu sleeps in LS. Next time he dozes off, don’t complain
  3. Rahul Gandhi claims only one man’s voice heard in Parliament! Guess he just wante to prove he no more ‘Sleeps’ in Parliament 😀
  4.  did Ashmit Patel get a job under Rahul Gandhi ‘s MNREGA, or did the former make an MMS of the latter!
  5. Rahul Gandhi once again proved his dumbness,actually wasn’t needed.
  6.  Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan rejects Rahul Gandhi‘s allegation of bias, says equal opportunity being given to all members and parties
  7. Today is greatest day in Indian history. Rahul Gandhi wants to speak. Media going crazy in !!
  8. ‘We are not being allowed to speak,’ says Rahul Gandhi, a guy who didn’t ask ONE question in the 15th Lok Sabha. Credit for nerve.
  9. Stand up comedians were right that BJP govt could curb their activities. It started today with Rahul Gandhi not being allowed to speak.

By Ravi Agnihotri

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