9 Funny ‘Sonia Gandhi’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter


sonia gandhi



  1. Sonia Gandhi played an important role in developing Gujarat her party deliberately stayed out of power 12 years in Gujarat
  2. Breaking : Nation congratulates Rahul gandhi for not letting Sonia gandhi to become PM of this country.
  3. Should be named the Puppet Story – After all Manmohan Singhs actions were always an our come of Sonia Gandhi‘s thoughts
  4. Sonia Gandhi refused to divulge her foreign trips expenses & IT returns, when an RTI petition was made
  5. It seems Natwar Singh’s book will reveal more about Rajiv Gandhi’s incompetence than about Sonia Gandhi‘s competence.
  6. If Sonia Gandhi writes an autobiography,it’ll have 2 black chapters,one titled “A puppet PM” & other “Pratibha Patil,a maid made President”
  7. Manmohan Singh says no files *from* PMO went to Sonia Gandhi. Possible, for it seems all files went to Sonia Gandhi *before* coming to PMO.
  8. Sonia Gandhi announces that she will be writing her own book. In other news, Manmohan Singh will be writing a book for the next few months
  9. The so called close to Sonia Gandhi and author Natwar Singh’s son is MLA on BJP’s ticket. Any link between book and BJP ? Just asking!
By Ravi Agnihotri

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