9 Habits Which May Help You To Score Good Grades


Successful students have good study habits. They apply these habits to score more than others. Try to develop these study habit so that you should also score good marks.

  1. Plan specific time for studying.
    Everyone should study/learn the same topics at home after been explained at the college or school. As when you learn or go through the same topic which had been explained in college, it helps us to remember that topic very easily. Study time is any time you are doing something related to college work. It can be completing assigned reading, working on a paper or project, or studying for a test. Schedule specific times throughout the day for your study time.



  1. Try not to do too much studying at one time.
    If you try to do too much subjects at one time, you will not be able to remember all the subjects and your studying will not be very effective. Space the work you have to do over shorter periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental energy. Like you should take a small break after completing every subject.



  1. Try to study at the same times each day.
    Studying at the same times each day establishes a routine that becomes a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating. When a scheduled study time comes up during the day, you will be mentally prepared to begin studying.



  1. Set specific goals for study times.

This will help you stay focused and monitor your progress. Simply sitting down to study has little value. You must be very clear about what you want to complete during your study times. For example you should set target of completing specific chapters on a specific day before starting to study.


  1. Start studying when planned.
    You may delay starting your studying because you don’t like an assignment or think it is too hard. A delay in studying is called procrastination. If you procrastinate for any reason, you will find it difficult to get everything done when you need to. You may rush to make up the time you wasted getting started, resulting in careless work and errors.


  1. Start studying with the most difficult subject first.
    Your most difficult subject will require the most effort. Start with your most difficult subject since this is when you have the most mental energy.



  1. Start making your own notes.
    making your notes (writing the headings of every answer of every chapter) can help you to learn easily and the notes can be useful before the exam or test for revision. Also, your notes may include information that will help you complete an assignment.



  1. Switch off your phone while studying.
    Two study problems can occur if your friends call you during your study times. First, your work is interrupted. It is not that easy to get back to what you were doing. Second, your friends may talk about things that will distract you from what you need to do. Here’s a simple idea – turn off your cell phone during your study times.



  1. Asking your doubts from your teacher or friends.
    we should not be feel shy while asking doubts from the teacher or any of your friend.



These study habits can help you throughout your education. Make sure they are your study habits.






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