9 Incredible Things You Should Do Before You Turn 30


We are young, we are passionate, we have zeal, we want to live our life to the fullest. Everyone want’s to live their life joyfully and want’s to have bunch of colourful memories with them,isn’t it?. I was  wondering about the same days ago, and jotted down the following facts after having discussion about the same with my friends. I am hoping to inspire you to live a meaningful and simple life, as time passes by in the blink of an eye, and we are still unsatisfied with our life this  simple things in life  will keep you going and will relax you in the times of stress, if you implement the following you will be innerly happy :

1.) Write: Just pick up your pen and write down whatever strikes your mind. Pick up a good novel, note down inspiring lines, resonate those lines in your mind  when you open the book.After you get involved in it within few days, get some new topics. You can write your own pat events of life as well. Believe me, they will not only refresh you, you will get to learn something from your past mistakes. And when you grow old, you will get tears of happiness reading the same. That will be the best collection of books you will ever make.

2.)Cook : Yes learn to cook,if you have no-one to teach you, we have plethora of cooking channels on YouTube. Just go ahead, just give it a kick. Learn and cook for yourself, surprise your parents and friends  with it. It will surely delight you.Pamper yourself and  then don’t forget to pat yourself ;).

3.)Travel:Just travel around.Don’t surround yourself with boredom and make your life dry.Explore, meet new people, spot the differences around and learn to accept them. You will become very flexible in your approach towards life. Stare at strangers , pass your smile when you see,if some one is in need,and you will be astonished to see the bunch of experiences you have to recollect in your leisure days.

4.)Exercise : Yes, you have to,if you want to enjoy your independent  life in long-run. You have to stay fit and healthy, in order to travel more, eat more 😉

5.)Spend time with your parents: Oh! folks, We are so busy growing up and neck-deep in our careers,  that we unintentionally ignore our parent’s.Well,it’s not difficult to spare time,if you really desire.Listen them, understand their perspective towards life, you know never know when it helps you out in your difficult times..

6.)Sing,Dance,Laugh : You need to awaken that humor in you, in order to laugh.You should sing, dance on weekends. No matter how worse you are at it.You need to learn to embrace yourself, as you are.

7.)Save Money :Yes, don’t jut blow out the salary .You need to understand the difference between your need and wants. Stop splurging on branded clothes like Armani etc. You will realise that over the period they will lose its value. So instead start investing smart, which will be productive.

8.)Love yourself : Most Important is always YOU in Your life, you love everyone around, but in this journey don’t forget to love and pamper yourself. Only if you are happy with yourself, you can bring happiness around;)

9) Your soul mate is your better half. If getting married before 30, choose him/her wisely. Your 90% of the worries after that solely will depend how the person is. Take your time. Do analysis. marry only when you are in love. Don’t love after you get married.Just Don’t do that.


Hmm, so that’s it :)..

I feel that in this soaring stressful life, these small things can surely act as stress-buster.All you need is a little time for yourself, to feel these moments in your life. Wouldn’t you try it for your-self  in order to live a joy-filled,peaceful life?

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Kajal Shah

hello frnds.. I am kajal shah, a student by occupation. I m fun-loving, simple and happy-go-lucky girl.I am talkative i like to counsel my friends and make them feel light when they are having tough time.I believe in simplicity and i love cooking and oh ya so m a foodie by birth.Do no badbut don't take a shit..