9 Interesting Tips That Will Help You To Select The Best Wine


9 Interesting Tips That Will Help You To Select The Best Wine

selecting best wine

Wine is something that adds charm into any occasion or even life into the people. There are so many wines so it is not easy choosing wines. To choose the appropriate wine there are certain you need to keep in mind or else you might making a  fool out of yourself or end up doing something wrong. Choosing wine is a difficult task especially when you have no knowledge about it. Here are some sure sorted tips that will help you select wine.

  1. Pick the wine within your price range

Though this is an obvious thing to do but when you are offered so much of variety you might simply forget your price range and choose above your budget.

  1. Wine depends on the food arrangement

Wine suits well as per the arrangement, if you want wine with appetizer then lighter wines like Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc work best. If the wine has to go along with the food then heavier and complicated wines like including Merlot and Chiraz work best.

  1. Swirl away

It is always better to swirl the wine before serving. It will get all its flavours called a as the ‘notes’ to enjoy it to the maximum.

  1. Look at those legs

When you swirl the wine and pour it into the glasses it will drip down on the sides of the glass and form what is known as ‘legs’. This will determine the concentration and age of the Wien. The older the wines will take more time to form the legs.

  1. Be aware of the negatives

When wine is corked and left for long periods of time this can lead to an infection inside the bottle. Hence the wine will taste corky. Another drawback is letting the wine react with air for too long.  Over oxidized wine will have a stale raisin-like taste?

  1. Don’t be fooled

There are many wines that have similar names we are familiar with. Especially the French wines are great with this task

  1. Mixing

This does not really happen but in case of particular vintage is not available due to poor weather conditions then poor quality wine is used.

  1. Choose appropriately

Gewurztraminer and Gruner Veltliner are two Austrian wines that go particularly well with spicy dishes. Merlot, Chablis aka. Chardonnay and Syrah (Shiraz) are kind to red meat. For shellfish and seafood Albarino, a Portuguese grape, is a good bet and for fish any aperitif wines will be a great companion

  1. Ask help

There are many internet sites and restaurants that provide aide to choose the right wine.


The above tips will help you select the right wine for the right occasion and at the same time will help you again some knowledge about wines.

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