9 Most Powerful Lessons You Can’t Afford To Miss To Learn From Sania Mirza



Sania Mirza was born on 15th November, 1986 in Mumbai. She belonged to a religious Muslim family. Her father Imran Mirza was a sport journalist and belonged to Hyderabad. At a very early age, Sania’s father realized that his child had a potential in playing tennis and so he started to motivate and train his daughter.

Here are Amazing lessons which you can learn from Sania Mirza:

#1. Sania Mirza has a distinct personality which sets her apart from the rest. At a very young age, she managed to break barriers and treat the game professionally.

#2. She was brought up in a humble middle-class upbringing but she never sidelined her goals and always delivered the best.

# 3. Although she wears mini skirts and all starry wear, but still she is well-rooted to her traditions (her diamond nose ring proves it)

#4. Even if she wins or loses a game, Sania has got loads of attitude. Her ‘don’t give a damn’ attitude has helped her to recover from her failures.

#5. Sania treats each failure as a stepping stone to victory and betters herself.

#6.  Sania’s positive thinking and capacity to take on challenge helds her high inspite of the tough competition.

#7. Sania’s sheer fighting spirit and display of skill at the right opportunity gives sleepless nights to higher ranked opponents.

#8. Sania is always clear about her priorities. Her determination to reach the top has been responsible for her becoming the first Indian woman to win a WTA championship.

#9. Sania is a complete go-getter who is aggressive to strike success in the tennis world.


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