9 Must-Know Careers for Fresh Marketing Enthusiasts


Brands come, create their own space, create consumers, and followers like you. You simply consume their products and end up visiting their social media pages every now and then. You follow brands, you’ve always liked, on YouTube, twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and you have been busy liking, sharing and commenting and, favoriting and retweeting their momentary contents. Moreover, you have participated in all of your favourite brand’s events, both offline and online. In short, you have been the futile follower, the keen consumer.

All of this is too much of consumerism. If its marketing on which you’ve pressed the select-button, then its a high time to look at things from the marketer’s point of view rather than being an unstoppable follower-slash-consumer. Unlike the marketing enthusiasts today, those from a decade ago had to resort to a tons of research and come to final career choice as a conclusion. And today, the task of deciding a career is like a few minutes far. The reason of such discrepancy is of course a ubiquitous one. It’s nothing but the rising use of internet, hence easy availability of information.



So, here’s to help you out in choosing the best from the marketing field, a few sub-terms related to each and a lastly a few minutes to you to decide upon the finishing stroke.

The list of terms you can go through, and start researching about any one of the professions prevalent in the marketing field today.


1. Sales Promotion


Sub-terms to know:

  • Salesmanship in Events
  • Exhibitions
  • Trade Shows and Fairs
  • Retail Sales
  • Door-to-door Selling


2. Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Sub-terms to know:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Crowdsourcing
  • AdWords
  • AdSense


3. Brand Management

Brand Management


Sub-terms to know:

  • Brand Development
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Equity
  • Branding
  • Account Management
  • Creatives


4. Marketing Research & Analysis

Marketing Research & Analysis

Sub-terms to know:

  • Market Survey
  • Market Research
  • Market Analysis
  • Big Data
  • Consumer Preferences
  • Customer Engagement
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Affinity Marketing


5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management

Sub-terms to know:

  • Client Relationship
  • Account Management
  • Customer Engagement


6. Advertising


Sub-terms to know:

  • Creative Direction
  • Production
  • Financing
  • Client Servicing
  • Account Management
  • Media Planning & Research
  • Campaigns


7. Multilevel Marketing

Multilevel Marketing

Sub-terms to know:

  • Membership and Management
  • Direct Marketing
  • Network Marketing
  • Business Builder
  • Downline


8. Public Relations Management

Public Relations Management

Sub-terms to know:

  • Account Management
  • Corporate Communications
  • Media Relations
  • Reputation Management
  • Media Planning & Research
  • Campaigns
  • Events & Sponsors


9. Retail Marketing

Retail Marketing


Sub-terms to know:

  • Sales and Targets
  • Etailing
  • E-commerce
  • Mobile Shopping
  • Flash Sales

Roll up your sleeves and go for the career that best interests you. Marketing is like an ocean. You have to dive into it and figure out  what suits and how deep you can survive. The people in the deepest are CMOs and CEOs of great companies today.

Maybe you reach that deep someday, may be you flow out like a river. But don’t hesitate to take a dive.


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Devansh Thakker
An accidental science student but a self-acclaimed business and management geek. A man in the middle of his ladder. From my perspective, it simply means I am an undergraduate close enough to complete my graduation (BMS), with a little experience in business. Why BMS.co.in? Two reasons: 1. An emerging interest in writing brought me here, 2. What could be better than contributing to my own community first? Listening to music while travelling is awesome. Writing rhymes is another pastime. A strategy games lover, especially Defense of the Ancients and Age of Empires. Fitness is a must.


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