9 Quick Facts About Aruna Shanbaug Case You Ought To Know


9 Quick Facts About Aruna Shanbaug Case You Ought To Know

  1. Aruna Shanbaug, a famous nurse in India died on 18th May 2015, Monday.
  2. Aruna Shanbaug suffered from coma due to sexual assault by a ward boy in 1973.
  3. She was in coma for 42 years. Aruna’s journalist friend had filed for mercy killing which was rejected but the Supreme Court in its landmark judgment allowed passive euthanasia.
  4. Passive euthanasia involves withdrawing of treatment or food that would allow the patient to live.
  5. In 1970s, Aruna was planning to get married to a medic in the hospital.
  6. On the night of 27 November 1973, Aruna was sexually assaulted by a sweeper on contract at the King Edward Memorial Hospital.
  7. He attacked while she was changing clothes in the hospital basement and choked her with a dog chain which cut off oxygen supply to her brain resulting in brain stem contusion injury and cervical cord injury.
  8. The police case was registered by the Dean of KEM, Dr. Deshpande and the rapist was sentenced 2 concurrent 7-year sentences for assault and robbery.
  9. However, the ward boy has changed his name after leaving prison and continues to work in a Delhi hospital as per the reports.

aruna then n now

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