9 Random ‘Modi’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter





  1. Dear SC : Modi not only has the authority to put Lokpal in freezer, but also throw the freezer into the sea.
  2. How can anyone question Modi on any issue? Confusing dictatorship with democracy? Bhakts simply don’t get it.
  3. So I hear AG has said that Lokpal act could be amended!Guess Modi govt still wants 2 evade d essence of SC’s views on LoP being an imp voice
  4. Some vested interests of SC Judges have been hampered by ppl who elected Modi as PM. Judiciary is family business nowadays.
  5. Modi bhai, development vagairah theek hai. Think about Media-Judiciary-Bureaucracy. Congress ne aise hee 60 saal raaj nahi kiya.
  6. Modi’s conviction agnst corruption:Sanjiv Chaturvedi and whistle blower who exposed AIIMS is removed as chief vigilance officer by Modi govt
  7. The way Modi keeps himself disassociated with all controversies involving his govt, it seems he is PM of another country! Doesn’t bother!
  8. Looks like the Modi Sarkar has been cornered by the SC on the LoP issue. To counter that Bhakts will trend something on Twitter.
  9. Modi : News of Rapes Disturb me.

Jaitley : Sir Big Rapes of Small Rapes?
Modi : Speech ko seriously mat le yaar


(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 

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