9 Rare Facts On Gautam Gulati That You Surely Did Not Know


Gautam Gulati once a not so popular but yet famous Delhi based Indian model and an actor is now the star because of his victory in BIGG BOSS 8. Here are few collection of random facts that you might have not known about this new Rising Star:

1. He initially worked as an actor for

    1. Kasamh Se(2008-09) Varun Sahil Bali
Gulati in Kasamh Se
Gulati in Kasamh Se
    1. Tujh Sang Preet Lagayi Sajana(2008-10) Teji
    2. Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani(2010-11) Shauraya Khanna
    3. Diya Aur Baati Hum(2011-14) Vikram Rathi
Gautam in diya aur bati hum.
Gautam in diya aur bati hum.

2. He is to also play a role in the movie “M. S. Dhoni: The Untold Story” as Zaheer Khan.

3. He has an elder brother who is just like his mirror reflection.

Gautam with his brother.
Gautam with his brother.

4.He was the first Indian Television actor to walk on the Red Carpet of Cannes 2015 for the screening of ‘Darpok’.

Gautam the first Indian TV actor to appear at Cannes, France
Gautam the first Indian TV actor to appear at Cannes, France


The poster of the film 'Darpok'
The poster of the film ‘Darpok’


Gautam Gulati's Film That Took Him Cannes
Gautam Gulati’s Film That Took Him Cannes

5. He was also a student at ‘Shaimak Davar’s Dance Classes’.

6. He recently said that he would want to marry the girl his mother chooses for him.

7. He regrets in for going in the bathroom with Diandra..In a news report he quoted ,”Karishma Tanna’s behaviour was weird after I won”.


Gautam and Diandra in the mad House
Gautam and Diandra in the mad House


Karishma Tanna and Gautam
Karishma Tanna and Gautam

8. Rumours say that Gulati is to be one of the contestants of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa8.

9. It is being said that the winner Gulati is offered 11 films and 2 documentaries.

Gautam was a born star and now with his success at Bigg Boss he seems to be another shinning star in the galaxy Indian Entertainment Business.

Gautam’s Interview after winning-

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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