9 #RIPRobinWilliams Sad Status, Tweets Trending on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp Messages



  1. We all lost a piece of our childhood today. Let’s all take a moment to honor a legend.
  2. #RIPRobinWilliams so heartbreaking…. thank u for the joy & laughter…. condolences, love and light to his family during this tragic time
  3. ‘All you have to do is think one happy thought,and you’ll fly like me’ #RIPRobinWilliams
  4. #RIPRobinWilliams someone like you will never be born again, you were an inspiration. You’ll be missed 🙁
  5. Its so sad that a man who gave joy to millions across the world couldn’t give it to the person who needed it the most! #RIPRobinWilliams
  6. SO sad to hear about Robin Williams he has always been one of my favourite actors and comedians. #RIPRobinWilliams a truly inspiration man.
  7. “The tragedy of life is not death but what dies inside us while we live.” – Robin Williams. #RIPRobinWilliams
  8. #RIPRobinWilliams An incredible one of a kind talent! May your soul be at peace..
  9. He was a big part of most of our childhoods & will be sadly missed. Actor,comedian & humble genius #RIPRobinWilliams

 robin williams

By Kiruthika B


(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 


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