9 ‘Salman Khan’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter


salman khan

  1. You go to Chandan theatre to watch a Salman Khan movie ! It’s a waste if you don’t whistle hard. 😀
  2.  If I was CEO of I’d get to co host BIG BOSS SEASON 8 with imagine the TRP’s guys. Imagine 
  3. BiggBoss 8: Salman Khan tops the list of highest paid TV actors with 8.5 crore per week!
  4.  Please go watch and get your heart kicked & boost up! Help people and be kind, Share your love, thats how we call it
  5. “I wanted a real tiger to unveil the trailer of and that is SALMAN KHAN – Kamal Sadanah Director of Roar
  6.  Salman Khan is d only star to give 7 consecutive 100 crs hits. Does that speak about stupidity of our society?
  7. Srk fans r so insecure..They r abusing Aamir.. just becoz he praised Salman Khan‘s Film Kick.
  8.  That ‘TRAIN’ scene of ‘KICK’ was just to give us a hint that this is how Salman Khan will cross ‘Chennai Express’ 
  9. Just saw a mile long queue outside Eros cinema, waiting to watch KICK amidst torrential rain. The Salman Khan craze just became palpable
By Ravi Agnihotri

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