9 Things You Didn’t Know About Nek Chand


9 Things You Didn’t Know About Nek Chand

  1. Nek Chand, Creator of Chandigarh’s Rock Garden died at the age of 90 in Chandigarh hospital on 12th June 2015.
  2. Nek Chand is known for building the Rock Garden, an 18-acre sculpture garden in Chandigarh, India.
  3. Nek Chand was born on 15th December 1924 in a small village in Punjab of Barian Kalan which is now in Pakistan.
  4. Nek Chand was awarded Padma Shri by Government of India for his notable work of building The Rock Garden of Chandigarh.
  5. The Nek Chand Foundation was formed in 1997 for supporting Nek Chand’s work and creating awareness about the Rock Garden throughout the world.
  6. Nek Chand had started working on the Rock Garden in the early 1960s. He cleared a forest patch near Sukhna lake and sculpted some figures using discarded material.
  7. It took more than a decade to spread over several acres and his work comprised of hundreds of sculptures.
  8. The Government had demanded demolition when they discovered his work as it violated the laws and no permission was taken by Nek Chand for undertaking the task.
  9. However, with the support of the city residents, the Rock Garden was officially inaugurated on 24th January 1976.

Nek Chand  and The Rock Garden Photos:

Rock Garden Images  (1) Rock Garden Images  (2) Rock Garden Images  (3) Rock Garden Images  (4) Rock Garden Images  (5) Rock Garden Images  (6) Rock Garden Images  (7) Rock Garden Images  (8) Rock Garden Images  (9)


Rock Garden Images  (12) Rock Garden Images  (13)

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