9 Things You Must Know About Chloe Grace Moretz!



1: She named her dogs after her first big film

Chloe Grace Moretz was only 6 years old when she landed the role of Chelsea Lutz in The Amityville Horror, but the movie left an indelible mark on the young actress. In its honor, she named her dog Fuller after producer Bradley Fuller, and she named her dog Missy after the nickname of her character in the movie.

2: She’s got a virtual pack of brothers

No wonder this girl’s got a taste for all things tomboy and macabre! She has four older brothers — Brandon, Trevor, Colin and Ethan. “My mom has always taught us that blood is thicker than water,” Moretz says of her relationship with her siblings. “No one will ever understand the dynamic of your family. Ever. We are the closest family ever, and we are the most insane family ever. It may look weird to others, but to us, it’s life.”

 3: Hit-Girl behavior wouldn’t fly in her household

When it comes to roles, Moretz goes for the shock factor — audiences let out a collective gasp in 2010 when she debuted the foul-mouthed vigilante killer Hit-Girl in the hit film Kick-A**. But lest anyone get her character in the movie confused with her in real life, Moretz clarifies of the part, “I was raised to think cursing makes you look unintelligent. As Chloe, I can honestly say I’ve never uttered a syllable of a curse word, not even behind closed doors.”

4: She still gets grounded

Churning out blockbuster hits may give you a leg up in Hollywood, but it gets you no special treatment in the Moretz family. “My mom has always said that if I get a big head, she’ll take me out of this business as quickly as I got into it,” the actress explains. Referring to herself as an “average, everyday girl,” Moretz assures of her normalcy, “I have to go to bed at 9:30, and if I’m up late on the computer, I lose it for two months.” Yikes!

5: She wasn’t always the only sister

While Moretz routinely talks about her four brothers, she rarely lets it slip that she once had another sibling. However, in a feature for Interview magazine, she told Drew Barrymore, “I used to have a sister, but I never got to meet her, because she died after two days, I think. So if I got a tattoo, it would probably be something to do with my sister.”

6: She prefers gummy bears over pig’s blood

We’re all familiar by now with the pig’s blood plotline in Carrie. But if Moretz had her druthers, the reboot would have included her being showered in something much… sweeter. When asked what she’d rather have been drenched in, the starlet chose gummy bears. “They’re delicious,” she jokes. “That sounds way more fun than blood. Also, gummy bears aren’t that heavy. So it wouldn’t be like you’re being hit by rocks.”

7: Her address is in LA, but her heart is in NYC

During an interview for Teen Vogue, Moretz turns into a total tourist when she steps onto an observation deck overlooking New York’s famed Central Park. “Oh, my God, I have to Instagram this,” she squeals, telling the writer, “Los Angeles is fun and I’ve lived there for 10 years, but there’s something about New York. I’m pretty much New York in every way.”

8: Julianne Moore intimidates her

In Carrie, the mother of Moretz’s title character is played by veteran actress Julianne Moore — whom she has nothing but praise for. “With Julianne, she is the nicest lady, but at the same time she is the most fearsome actress you’ll ever see,” Moretz gushes. “She’s the type of actress I look up to in a mentor-type way, and she’s someone whose career I will try to emulate.

9: Her older brother gave up his career for hers

Some people can’t get their big brothers to be seen in public with them, much less devote their entire life to helping their little sister out. Moretz’s older brother Trevor was among the first to recognize his sister’s talent. “Even as a tiny child, she had something,” he told W magazine. He walked away from his own career ambitions and now serves as her producer, mentor, guru and more.


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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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