9 #VedicRakshaBandhanWithBapuji Tweets By Asaram Bapu Ji Fans On Twitter


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  1. Vedic Raksha Bandhan means ‘To tie a knot of Protection & Positive Resolutions’. #VedicRakshaBandhanWithBapuji
  2. Asaram Bapu Ji always inspires us to live life by helping others, selflessly. #VedicRakshaBandhanWithBapuji
  3. Asaram Bapu ji has always extended his support to Adivasi people on occassions as #VedicRakshaBandhanWithBapuji
  4. Rakhis sent by Millions of devotees to Asaram Bapu Ji in Jail is a TIGHT slap on the face of conspirators #VedicRakshaBandhanWithBapuji
  5. Morality Programmes conducted by Asaram Bapu Ji’s Sadhaks brought Positive changes in children of Remand Homes #VedicRakshaBandhanWithBapuji
  6. As per History, Rajputs used to tie ‘Raksha Sutra’ during wars, for protecting nation #VedicRakshaBandhanWithBapuji
  7. Asaram Bapu Ji’s divine initiative of Vedic Raksha Bandhan guides millions of lives towards ‘Divinity’ #VedicRakshaBandhanWithBapuji
  8. Shravani Purnima is also related to ‘Shravan Kumar’, who served his parents throughout his lifetime #VedicRakshaBandhanWithBapuji
  9. It gives happiness! It’s Vedic Raksha Bandhan for spiritual progress! Embrace It! #VedicRakshaBandhanWithBapuji

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By Amit B


(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 

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