9 Ways To Be A Wise Person !!!


Confucius once said that there were three ways to learn wisdom: “First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” 

Being wise is the most prized virtue one can ever get from the cultures throughout the world. Learning is something which can be done at any time and age. There are no boundaries when it comes to learning.

The possibility of knowing everything in this world is rare or I should say none. But one can always learn from people and from life the trivial things as well as the important ones.

A person is wise sometimes by nature or he/she cultivates himself to be a wise person.

A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone

Here are some ways to be a wise person:

1) Gaining Experience:

Experience is as valuable as Gold. Experience helps you to learn and understand things better. An experienced person is always valued by the world. Try to get as much experience from whatever you are doing. Keep a mind of a beginner even if you know many things. As mind of a beginner is curious and it will help you know more than you already know. Don’t prejudge, be open-minded which will allow you to learn and gain wisdom.

2) Asking questions:

As I said, always try to be a beginner to learn new things. Keep your mind curious even about the trivial things. Ask any questions, simple ones or complex ones. Asking questions does not mean that you are less knowledgeable or stupid it means you are curious and a learner. It helps you to achieve wisdom.  

3) Don’t rush:

Always go slow, remember the story of tortoise and rabbit, it’s exactly like that. Don’t think of winning the race, try to think of things you will get to learn while you are in a race. Always have time for yourself in a day to sit down and think about things you have learned and want to learn.

4) Always think first and then talk:

One must always think first and then talk. People are great observers and listeners they will always analyze you on the way you talk and how you talk. On what points you are talking and on what you are talking. When you are in the surroundings where each and every word matters, do think before you talk. It is a trait of a wise person.


5) Always be helpful:

Being others and being there for them is another trait of a wise person. Every few people are helpful in lives and always try to be one of them. Helping others will give you happiness and you will feel blessed.

6) Analyze yourself:

No one is perfect in this world. Everyone has some faults in him/her. One must try to detect these faults and correct them. It is not easy but a wise person is constantly analyzing himself/herself to know his/her faults to correct them. This is also a trait of a wise person.

7) Keep learning:

A very important trait of a wise person is he/she is a learner. They always want learn and enhance their knowledge. They like to be open-minded and absorb new things and ideas. This makes them unique and special.

8) Keeping the Balance:

A wise person always keeps balance between practicality and emotions. If a person is very emotional it can be a disadvantage and similarly if a person is too practical it can create problems. A wise person knows where to draw boundaries and knows when to do it.

9) Try to Read:

Reading is good habit to inculcate, reading enhance your knowledge to a different level. A wise person always likes to read. Now reading does not mean only news papers, magazine or novels. It means anything which one can read, it can be a poster or a banner on roadside or a blogs etc.

Being a wise person is difficult but to try being one is not difficult. Try to inculcate some of the above habits to be a wise person.

Always try to be kind and wise to see the difference it makes in your life.








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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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