90210 fanatics in college


BMS is one of the coolest courses in Mumbai, it’s definitely not easy thing to get in that course, and once you get in here is the tag line for every fresher- Welcome to hell!

We all find different kind of people in a BMS class, people from all backgrounds wants to do BMS. We have people arts and science background as well.

And when it comes to friends, we do find different category of people who are self tagged. It’s really a funny thing when I entered in the class I found people like Naomi who needs no description at all; attention seekers who blow make up out of proportion. Also I found people like Dixon who are extremely friendly at first but later on just changes completely. College began so forming “groups” began. In a week or so we had the Naomi gang, and it still exists (in TY)

Also, like pride of every college there are hot guys and girls. I can vouch for Liam and Silver in my class. We also have Teddys who are super active in all the sporting activities.

And then of course as time passes we do have couples in class. We can actually find a lot of Ades and Navids. And then when there is love there has to be hate around and jealously and fights and drama, my class is filled with all. We do have triangular relationships, politics in class. We do have Anne vs Naomi.

And then there are people who keep on scribbling notes extremely studious, wanting to attend each lecture like one of the bookworms. We also have young leaders like Navid who apart from college is good in extra circulars’.
Speaking for teachers, we do have Harry Wilson, who is indeed the ideal principal one can ever have!! We have Mr. Ryan too who is also the pride of the college

Eventually, whenever there is a crunch time we all stand together no matter how many fights we’ll have but during fests, we unite. We are always there to help each other.

No matter how dramatic we are, eventually we are best friends.

We came as strangers, but we are definitely living as family

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Well I am a fun loving girl. I like making friends, in free time I like writing poems.,Talking to people. And playing online games. . well also I am very ambitious in life. To me my career is my priority. I always believe everyone has should have at least one reason to live, reason to survive,…to me that is my career


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