Silly, stupid and crazy happenings from around the world.


 So it’s the turn of our neighbors this time, a leading newspaper carried this report on how Pakistani officials used a secret counterterrorism fund to buy wedding gifts, luxury carpets and gold jeweler for relatives of ministers and visiting dignitaries, according to documents seen by AFP. 

 If that was strange then we found this online plea from a Baltimore, Md. man, who found himself snowed in, took to Craigslist for help with an emergency.

This is what he wrote: “Guys it’s snowing like a bitch outside, I’ve had a few drinks too many, and my sh*tty little hybrid douchemobile can’t possibly make it to the neighborhood Taco Bell in this weather. I need someone with a 4 wheel drive vehicle to come pick my drunk ass up, take me to the Taco Bell drive-thru, and drive me back home. Then we can hang out and play video games if you’re not a rapist. This is maybe 2 miles round trip. I’ll pay in tacos. or chalupas. whatever. Seriously my desire for tacos right now is totally unmanageable, so I’d probably even buy you a 7 layer burrito if you asked nicely”.


bizzare tacos

Like seriously dude how weird can things get!! Although no one did go ahead and help him but then putting it up was crazy enough.

For more Madness you can visit:

  • Weird, bizarre and completely strange news, from across the world: 
  • News that’s so bizarre that it will make you go ROFL in seconds!: 
  • Hopelessly Bizzare: App’s to help you quit jobs and have trouble free breakups:
  • Crazy.. Mad.. News from the World: Alligators left behind at Airports and Men calling citizens poor just because they use public transport, bizarre events from across the globe just don’t stop, have a look:


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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