Acknowledgement Sample Of Marketing Project


Before we get into thick of things, I would like to add a few words of appreciation for the people who have been a part of this project right from its inception. The writing of this project has been one of the significant academic challenges I have faced and without the support, patience, and guidance of the people involved, this task would not have been completed. It is to them I owe my deepest gratitude.

It gives me Immense pleasure in presenting this project report on “PROJECT TOPIC” It has been my privilege to have a team of project guide who have assisted me from the commencement of this project. The success of this project is a result of sheer hard work, and determination put in by me with the help of my project guide. I hereby take this opportunity to add a special note of thanks for PROF. NAME, who undertook to act as my mentor despite his many other academic and professional commitments. His wisdom, knowledge, and commitment to the highest standards inspired and motivated me. Without his insight, support, and energy, this project wouldn’t have kick-started and neither would have reached fruitfulness.


I also feel heartiest sense of obligation to my library staff members & seniors, who helped me in collection of data & resource material & also in its processing as well as in drafting manuscript. The project is dedicated to all those people, who helped me while doing this project.

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