1 Atomic Structure : Fundamental Particles, Atomic models and their limitations, dual nature of particles, de-broglie equation, uncertainity principle, Modern concept of atomic structure, quantum numbers, Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Hund’s rule, (n+l) rule. Electronic configuration of elements. Molecular orbital theory for simple homo-nuclear diatomic molecules. Atomic mass, molecular mass, Equivalent mass, Mole concept, Symbols, ions, radicals, variable valancies, type of formulas – empirical formula, molecular formula, Chemical stoichiometry.
2 States of matter : Gaseous state – gas laws, ideal gas equation, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, kinetic theory of gases, deviation from ideal behaviour, critical temperature and its importance, liquification of gases. Liquid state – properties of liquid, vapoure pressure, surface tension and viscocity cofficient and its application. Solid state – classification of solids, crystal structure.
3 Chemical bonding and molecular structure : Ionic bond, covalent bond, coordinate bond. General properties of ionic and covalent bond. Geometry of molecules, Valence shell electrons pair repulsion theory, polarisation, Fajan’s Rule, Valence bond theory, concept of resonance, directional properties of bond, hybridisation.
4 Co-ordination Compounds : Ligand and co-ordination number, Werner’s theory, IUPAC nomenclature and formulation of mono nuclear co-ordination compound, Isomerism, valance bond theory, Crystal field theory. Shapes, Colours, Magnetic properties in complexes, stability of co-ordination compounds, metal carbonyl compound (elementary knowledge)
5 Classification of elements and periodicity in properties : Mendeleef’s periodic law and classification of elements, limitation of Mendeleef’s periodic table, Modern concept of periodic table, electronic configuration and nomenclature of elements, types of elements – s, p, d and f block Periodicity in properties – atomic and ionic radii, ionisation enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity and valency.
6 Equilibrium : Law of mass action and its application to homogeneous equilibria, Le-chatelier principle and its application to physical and chemical system. Factors affecting chemical equilibria. Ionic equilibria in solutions, Acid-base concept, pH scale, Buffer solution. Dissociation of acid and base, Common ion effect and its importance. Solubility product and its uses.
7 Thermodynamics : Concept of system, work, heat, energy, extensive and intensive properties, first law of thermodynamics – internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity and specific heat, Hess’s law and its applications. Enthalpy and Free energy.
8 Redox reaction : Concept of redox reactions, Oxidation numbers, balancing and applications of redox reactions.
9 Metals, Non-metals and Metallurgy : Minerals and ores, General principles of metallurgy, Metallurgy of Cu, Fe, Al and Zn.
Non-metals and their compounds – Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Oxygen, Phosphorous, halogens, Allotropes of C,S and P and their uses. Cement and Plaster of Paris.
10 Organic Chemistry – Principles and Techniques : Different methods of purification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, classification and IUPAC nomenclature. Homolytic and heterolytic bond fission, free radicals, carbocations, carbanions, electrophiles and nucleophiles, type of organic reactions.
11 Hydrocarbons : Aliphatic hydrocarbons (Alkane, Alkene and Alkyne); Aromatic hydrocarbon (Benzene), concept of aromaticity, chemical properties, mechanism of electrophilic substitution, directive influence of functional group.
12 Polymers, Bio-molecules, Chemistry in Everyday Life and Surface Chemistry.
Polymers : Natural and synthetic polymers.
Bio-molecules : Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, Nucleic Acids
Chemistry in Everyday Life : Chemical in medicines, Chemicals in food, Cleansing agents. Surface Chemistry : Adsorption, homogenous and heterogeneous catalysis, colloids and suspensions.
13 Environmental Chemistry : Air, water and soil pollution, affects of depletion of ozone layer, green house effect and global warming, green chemistry, strategy for control of environmental pollution.