10 Last Minute Preparation Tips For MAT 2014 Exams


1) Attempt last 5 years question papers.

2) Check out the detailed syllabus and practice sample questions.

3) Complete each section within time.

4) Improve your speed and identify your weak areas and practice them.

5) For general knowledge, read newspapers and magazines and be aware of current topics, business, economics.

6) For Mathematics, revise maths concepts of Class 8,9,10 and 12.

7) For reasoning skills, solve puzzles and quizzes. For Data analysis, study statistics.

8) For reading comprehension, read short passages twice and summarize in own words, practice writing 2-3 pages essay on any topic of your choice.

9) Watch English News channels to improve fluency of English speaking.

10) For vocabulary, memorize 20-40 new English words daily and before the exam, make a note of important 500 new words alongwith their meaning.


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