Grace Marks for getting distinction / Grade ‘O’ in the subject / course only


ORDINANCE O.5044‐A: ‐ Grace Marks for getting distinction / Grade ‘O’ in the subject / course only

A candidate/learners who passes in all the Courses or Subjects/ Heads of passing in the examination without benefit of either gracing or condonation rules and whose total number of marks in the courses/ subject/s falls short by not more than three marks for getting Grade ‘O’/ distinction in the courses / subject/s respected shall be given necessary grace marks up to three (03) in maximum two subjects, courses subject to maximum 1% of the total marks of that Head of Passing whichever is more, in a given examination.

Provided that benefits of above mentioned grace marks shall not be given to the candidate only for such examination/s for which provision for distinction in a course / subject has been prescribed.

Provided further that this gracing is concurrent with the rules and guidelines of professional statutory bodies at the All India level such as AICTE, MCI, Bar Council, CCIM, CCIH, NCTE etc.


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