Rules and Procedure for the Revaluation of the answer-books

  • If the examinee is not satisfied with the marks awarded, he/she may independently apply for revaluation to the college in the prescribed form within the period and in the manner prescribed hereinafter, whether or not he/she has applied for Photo/Xerox copy/ies of the same to the college.
  • This revaluation facility shall be for theory papers only of all the examinations conducted by the college on behalf of the University for the respective current session.
  • The revaluation of answer books shall not be permitted in respect of the marks awarded to the scripts of practical examination / term work / sessional work / project Work / dissertation / internal assessment / term work (including theory part) and in viva voce / oral / practical examinations in the college.
  • A candidate can apply for the revaluation of the answer book of the subject only if he/she has secured at least 20% of the total marks in that subject or 40% of the marks required for passing in the said subject, whichever is less or the grade equivalent to the above criteria where grades are assigned to the theory papers.
  • The prescribed application form for revaluation of answer book can be obtained from the office of the respective college to which the candidate has registered for the said course in the current session.
  • The non refundable prescribed fees of Rs. 500/- per subject per answer book for the purpose of revaluation shall be paid by the examinee. The said fee shall be remitted by cash or by D.D. drawn in favour of the Principal of respective college to which the candidate has registered for the said course in the current session. The examinees from the reserved categories shall be given fifty per cent (50%) concession, provided a certified copy of the caste certificate is enclosed.
  • The prescribed application form for revaluation of answer book duly filled in and signed by the applicant examinee only is to be submitted to the concerned college office along with the statement of marks, prescribed fees as above and question paper/s for which he/she intends to apply for revaluation, within seven (07) working days from the date of the declaration of the result of the respective examination or from the date on which the college issued the statement of marks, whichever is later. Incomplete form and form not accompanied by relevant documents may be rejected without assigning any reason whatsoever.
  • On receipt of the applications for revaluation to the colleges, the subject wise consolidated information and list of the examiners for the process of revaluation shall be prepared by the examination committee. The examiners shall be appointed by the Principal from the approved examiners panel for the process of revaluation.
  • The processing and co-ordination of the revaluation cases will be done by the examination cell of the concern college.
  • Effect shall be given to the change in original marks on revaluation, as under:

(i)   The marks obtained after revaluation shall be accepted by the Principal of the respective college, if the marks assigned to a paper as a result of revaluation, increase or decrease in revaluation by ten percent (10 %) or more than the marks originally obtained by the candidate in the paper without any grace, and in such cases the marks originally obtained by the candidate in the paper shall be treated as null and void and the marks obtained by the candidate after revaluation shall be accepted as the marks obtained in that paper. For the purpose of computing the ten percent (10%) difference in marks, fractions shall be ignored.

Notwithstanding what is stated above, the marks obtained after revaluation shall be accepted by the Principal of the respective College, if the candidate gets benefit of passing the subject/examination or change of class or grade in that paper or in the overall result at the said examination with or without grace marks under the provisions of relevant Ordinances or as resolved by the examiners in the said subject.

(ii)    Notwithstanding what is contained in clause 38 (i) where the difference between the marks originally obtained by the candidate in the paper with corrections, if any, made during the process of revaluation without any grace marks and the marks obtained after revaluation will be accepted up to twenty five percent (25%) of the maximum marks assigned to that paper (Ignoring the fractions, if any). If the difference between the marks originally obtained by the candidate in the paper, if any, made during the process of revaluation without any grace marks, and marks obtained after revaluation increase or decrease by twenty five percent (25%) ignoring the fractions, if any, of the maximum marks assigned to that paper, a second revaluation of the said answer books be done by a third examiner from the panel of examiners for the said subject, in such an event the average marks of the first and second revaluations shall be accepted by the Principal of the respective college as the final marks for the said subject.

(iii)    An answer book shall be sent for second revaluation to another senior examiner appointed by the Principal of the college if on the first revaluation a candidates marks are decreased below the passing marks or the marks required for securing a class from originally secured marks required for passing or for the particular class and the marks assigned by the third examiner in the second revaluation be treated as the final marks in the said subject.

(iv)   The revised marks obtained by a candidate after revaluation, as accepted by the Principal of the respective college shall be taken into account for the purpose of amendment of his results only and the said result shall be communicated to the student/s by the Principal of the respective college.

(v)    It is mandatory to send the copy of the revaluation result by the Principal of respective colleges to the Controller of Examinations, University of Mumbai for information.

  • The Principals of the other Colleges shall be bound to make available the teachers required for revaluation on top priority basis on the day and date communicated by the Principal of the College, in which the revaluation work is to be carried out.
  • It will be mandatory on the part of the teachers of the colleges to attend the revaluation work on top priority basis. If any teacher fails to comply with the orders, it shall be treated as misconduct and such teacher shall be liable for disciplinary action. If the Principal of the college without any due and sufficient reasons, Head of the Department fails to relieve the teacher for revaluation or teacher fails to attend the work of revaluation, penalty of Rs.100/- per day will be imposed on all concerned and the same shall be recovered from the pay by the Principal or any other authority responsible to draw the salary and the same shall be credited to the Students’ Welfare Account or the Library Account of the college.
  • The remuneration for examiner/s appointed shall be paid at the rate of Rs. 20/- per answer book and Rs. 120/– as travelling allowances per day, or the lump sum of Rs. 320/- shall be paid if number of answer books is less than 10 (Ten). The examiner/s from the same college shall not be entitled for the travelling allowance.
  • The answer books already revaluated shall not be moderated or further re-revaluated, unless so directed by the Vice-Chancellor, in exceptional cases.
  • The whole process of revaluation shall be completed as far as possible within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the application for revaluation by the college / institution.
  • Pending the process of revaluation, and subject to the availability of the seats in the college, the student may be admitted to the next higher class to which he could have been admitted if he/she had passed in the said examination or had been granted A.T.K.T. for admission to the next class in the original examination as per the rules applicable for the stream and faculty of his education, as per the following norms:

(i)   The student may be admitted to the next higher class to which he could have been admitted if he/she had passed in the said examination or had been granted A.T.K.T. for admission to the next class in the original examination as per the rules applicable for the stream and faculty if he/she had originally obtained required passing marks in the papers in which he/she had applied for revaluation,

(ii)   The college shall be entitled to charge fees of Rs. 500/- at the time of granting admission to such students to the next class before declaration of the result of the revaluation,

(iii)   Such admission shall be provisional; and automatically stands cancelled on receipt of the result of revaluation process, if the student is not declared passed in the requisite number of the subjects on revaluation which would entitle him/her to take admission in the next higher class, and in such case the fees originally collected by the college or any part of the same shall not be refunded,

  • In case if the student is declared to have passed in the requisite number of the subjects on revaluation which would entitle him/her to take admission in the next higher class as per the Ordinances / regulations, the provisional admission will be regularized.

(i)  In case of the reserved category students or other students who are entitled to get fee concession, on appropriating the amount equal to the amount of fees which the college can collect from the student and the balance amount shall be refunded to the student at the time of confirmation and continuation of his/her admission.

(ii)  In case of other students, the said amount shall be deducted from the total fees which the college or the institution is entitled to collect from the student as per the rules applicable.

  • Pending the declaration of the result of the revaluation, the students who have taken admission to next higher class, as mentioned above, shall be allowed to appear at the examination to the next class and their results of the next examinations shall be declared only on their passing in the requisite number of the subjects on revaluation which would entitle them to take admission in the next class; and in case the students does not succeed in passing in such requisite number of subjects, their admission to the examinations of the next class, their performance and results of the same shall be treated as null and void.
  •  Examiners and / or moderators, if found careless in the original assessment, the appropriate action will be taken as per the rules and regulations of the University.


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  1. I got 3 KT in 4th sem. 2 in internals I.e 6/25
    1 in external is there is any gracing marks in internals exam ?? So what can I do plzzz suggest

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