Tips To Prepare For Your BMS Campus Placements


We interviewed a few students who have faced the interview panel for a Campus placement interview and get them to share their experiences with you. Here we have Darsh Parekh a T.Y.BMS student from Lords Universal College, Goregaon who has shared his experience with us.

darsh parekh

1. Why did you decide to take up campus placement?

Before going in for my post graduation I wanted to have work experience and know exactly what the corporate world is like, before I choose my stream. With campus placement, my college helps me get a job, without all the fuss of job-hunting and since my college recommends it I know everything about the quality and standards of the company, helping me choose the right step for my future.

2. Pleases describe the process of campus placement that you have gone through.

For every company, we had been provided with a set of criteria to be fulfilled, may it be our communication skills or skill set, after meeting those criteria’s. We had asked to go in for a GD followed by a PI.

3. Share your GD experiences.

Like any other GD we had been given a topic and were asked to come to a logical conclusion through the discussion. Arriving at a conclusion is something that did not happen but we surely spoke up and showcased our views and opinions. Taking a stand and sticking to it was the best part of the GD.

4. Share your PI experiences.

As far as the PI was concerned, I have prior experience of facing an interview panel which helped a lot. Being well dressed and speaking eloquently and clearly is what matters according to me. Having done background research in advance about the industry and the company and the job profile that you are applying for is a must. Being honest in telling the panel that you are unaware about a certain question is what gives you the maximum points.

5. Any advice for students who will be facing a GD or a PI related to campus placements soon.

Do your ground research, be confident and don’t feel shy to speak up.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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