Pritesh Oza, Joshi Bedekar College


Name– Pritesh k. Oza
College – Joshi – Bedekar College, Thane

Tell us about your college
Our college has 7 different colleges in our campus. Our college was the first institution of higher learning to be established in Thane city in 1969. My college received permanent affiliation in jan, 1988 w.e.f. June 1982. It has been awarded “A” grade from NAAC set up UGC in jan, 2004.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?
I joined BMS after my HSC & now I’am in Sy BMS
What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?
As I wished to pursue in the future I choose BMS, as it serves as a base for MBA, as it also helps in developing managerial skill made me opt for BMS.

According to you, what is BMS all about?
BMS is all about Management. It helps in developing persons presentation skills his views and ideas. It helps in understanding a person capability. It develops self confidence. Moreover it provides a good base for your career. It prepares students to exploit opportunities being newly created in the management profession. It exposes us to the operational environment in the field of management.

What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?
Our college is one of the biggest college in the Mumbai university. We have a very good infrastructures & even the atmosphere of the college is awesome. The entire campus is connected with Wi-Fi. Our college has a well laid path circumnavigating the campus offers an idyllic walk, amidst trees & flowering plants. This well laid path is known as gyanpath, which means heaven in a city starved of open spaces.

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?
Mr. Yogesh Sharma & Mrs. Mugdha Keskar for A/C’s, they both are very friendly & helpful to us at any point of time.

What has BMS life taught you?
Taught me to be confident enough, manage all kind of situation & Tackle all the problems. It has helped me to improve ma presentation skills. BMS has helped me to bring the best out of me. It has also molded me to understand the value of time, & take the right decision at right time at the right place.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?
The happiest moment was joining the management event called Chrysalis. That moment will be always in my memories. In any situation I will never forget those days & my friends.

Who in your life has influenced the most?
My Family & Friends they are like my back bone. They have always helped me in all kind of situations.
As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in


I would like to have more practical knowledge than the theory parts. Coz, practical knowledge serves more experience than theory. Theory just teaches us how we have to do it, But in practical we can understand the situation & act accordingly.

3 Questions you would like to ask an


• According to you which area of MBA is the best.
• Why did you particular choose this area.
• What changes would you like to have in MBA.

What are your future plans?
My future plan is to do MBA in Finance and join a well renowned automobile company. Coz, I have a lot of interest in automobiles. Am pretty much sure that I will succeed in this task.

What are you expecting out of BMS?
I’am expecting BMS to develop all the good qualities in me, required to be a good & a successful manager.

How is

? What help should it provide in future?
This site is really good and the only site I have seen exclusively for BMS. Wherein, I could get all the information’s updated about various events, colleges, course material, etc.

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Hi, there myself Shashank Sawant. I'am the Event Manager for our Management Festival "CHRYSALIS,11" from Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane.


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