It’s a Man’s world they used to say, but know the tables have turned. It’s the women who are taking a lead in every sphere they enter into. Earlier for women especially in countries like India even the thought of wanting to work was a taboo and today here we are standing tall against all odds fighting men tooth and nail for all the top corporate positions or turning into great entrepreneurs.
Here I present to you the top 5 utmost important qualities that determine why do we women outperform the supposedly stronger gender:
1. Patience:
Patience as a virtue is either very les or completely missing in men. To be good managers a calm mind and a patient attitude for decision making is required where women score better due to their inherently patient attitude.
2. Better Community builders:
Women are more nurturing than men and do not have that ultimate need to control everyone, like men. They do not have the requirement to dominate others like men and so they build their workplace community also much better than men.
3. Better Communicators:
Who would have thought that the ‘chatterbox’ characteristic present in every woman would actually be beneficial? Women can communicate way better than men, if in their personal lives it is with relationships the same way they communicate better with their employees, seniors, clients or any other business related personnel.
4. Stronger Business Ethics:
Men were usually the rule breakers and women followed rules. Similarly when it comes to being ethical and just in business, following all the rules and doing things the right way women do it much better than me.
5. Better Motivators:
Women have a better ability to motivate and activate passion in their employees as compared to men. It is this attribute of women that helps them become better managers and leaders, respected by their juniors.