Social Media 101 Workshop by Social Samosa



It’s clearly evident: Social Media is the hottest buzzing place in the town and everybody wants to leverage it. It has gone beyond a platform to connect with friends and family, to become a business utility.

Thousands of people have built a successful career on Social Media and countless others are working towards it. Thus, it becomes imperative for you to learn the ropes of social media; and what place better than Social Samosa to learn it from?

The Social Media 101 Workshop is the best place for you to build a strong foundation for your social media journey. Any student / professional who wants to kickstart his social media journey should register for the Social Media 101 Workshop


When: 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th March. 10 AM to 6 PM.

Where: Andheri (West), Link Road, Opp Infinity Mall, Mumbai.



There’s an early bird discount for those who register in the next 3 days. You wouldn’t want to miss on that, right?

To know more about the workshop and register for it, click here


For more details, you can contact:

Aditya Gupta: [email protected]

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