‘Have full faith in what you do’ says Habiba Shaikh, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, Rizvi College


Interview with Habiba Shaikh, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, RIZVI COLLEGE who scored 73.85%.


How does it feel to be a Topper in the university exams? Whom will you credit your success to? What was your success mantra?

It feels great, and on the other hand I feel sad for all my friends who couldn’t make it. Thanks to the goof up done by the university.


Did you prepare any timetable and please share your study strategy/exam tips to crack each subject of sem 5?

There wasn’t any proper time table or anything prepared, but yes I use to decide what all has to be studied the next day and then plan accordingly for the entire syllabus.


Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

According to me if one pays attention to what is being taught in the lectures itself then I don’t think so people would require extra coaching classes, but for people who couldn’t make it for college lectures, coaching classes can help in big way.  No I didn’t require any extra coaching classes for any subject.

P.S. – The faculty out here is pretty awesome 😉


What was your specialization subject? Why did you opt for it?

Well I chose Special Studies in Marketing. I chose marketing because all my friends chose marketing 😛


Can you list the textbooks you referred for all subjects?

It was mostly the textbooks by Rishabh except for Financial Management, the author was Arvind. A. Dhond.


Which was your worst paper? Why? Which was your best paper? Why?

Fm was the worst paper and I’m sure many of us struggled with FM. Why? Because the paper was tough. DUH! And my best paper would be EHITCS! Strange right?  I sort of enjoyed writing the answers. 😛


Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

This is a very critical and serious issue which arises due to various reasons, be it peer pressure, the pressure to always score good etc. For teenagers, sometimes their overwhelming hopelessness is enough to cause them to take their own lives. Most teens who survive suicide attempts say that they tried to kill themselves because they were trying to escape a situation that seemed impossible to deal with, or they were trying to escape overwhelming feelings like rejection, guilt, anger, or sadness. Whatever the reason may be for a teen taking his life, it is never an acceptable one. Many teen suicides could have been prevented if the lines of communication were open between a teen and someone who cared about them.

When it becomes too hectic for me, I leave my work aside, put ear phones on and start listening to music or go for a walk probably. All this helps me deal with the stress.


The Black Book project contributing a significant part to the percentage, please share the experiences you had during the preparation of the project and how has it benefited you.

Getting the black book was done was a new experience itself. Got to learn about a bunch of new stuff which I guess will help me in the near future.


Did you pursue any additional courses/ internships alongside BMS? What are your future  plans?

Well I like doing one thing at a time, so I was busy preparing for the fifth semester. 🙂


Any tips and advises for your juniors?

One thing! “Have full faith in what you do and not necessary do it seriously but do it sincerely! “ 🙂

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