Good news for SSC students who have LOST their hall tickets!



If you don’t have a hall ticket or a provisional letter from your school, YOU still can sit for first SSC exam on Monday at a centre nearby to your schoool.

The exam centre in-charge will verify your details by calling up your school and also get your seat numbers from the board office.

But you have to get a provisional letter from your respective school for the rest of the exams.

What is temporary hall ticket?

The board has asked schools to get seat numbers of students who have not got their hall tickets on phone, prepare a letter on the school’s letterhead with the student’s name, photography, medium of instruction, subjects and seat number. This decision of temporary hall ticket is taken by the representatives of Mumbai Association of Heads of Secondary and Higher Secondary School.  The board has also set up a separate section to deal with SSC hall ticket related issues.

On Monday, around 2.2 lakh of 3.8 lakh SSC students are going to appear for optional language papers in Mumbai.


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