9 super awesome tips to help you survive the Perennial cash crunch!



College students are perennially broke and there are a very few exceptions to that. Yet, we always manage to have a great time with whatever little resources we have. So here we have put together different tips from different people who have been experts at saving and surviving in the worst cash crunches, that too without compromising on style!

  1. Don’t waste money on rickshaws, it’s truly very expensive.
  2. Walk it out, nothing better than a walk to keep you fit post your junk food diet!
  3. Pick the ‘BEST’ (local bus service) over rickshaw’s or your petrol guzzling ride, it’s dire times right?
  4. Switch over to CNG for your CAR, way cheaper than spending on fuel.
  5. Instead of new clothes try mixing and matching old combinations, or something that has been at the back of your shelves in a long time.
  6. Cut back on purchasing accessories girls, especially your pins and ear pieces. Tiny expenses can load up to a lot at the end of the month.
  7.   Guy’s your helmet expenses will have to take a back-seat.
  8. Don’t get a new bag, repair the old one a 700 plus expense saved easily.
  9. Footwear expenses also tale up a lot from our pockets, use the same theory as with bags try to minimize new purchases and use old one’s after repairing.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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