- Time: 2 hours
- Marks: 60
- Each question carries 10 marks
1) Define communication and explains its importance in P.R.
2) Discuss PR tools in detail.
3) What is the role of PR manager? Explain the publics for PR.
4) a) What is corporate PR? b) Impression management is the effective tool in PR, discuss.
5) Write short notes on any 2:
a) Financial P.R.
b) Meetings
c) Press Release
6) National, a famous company for its consumer durables, has launched a Washing machine in 2000. Initially, with advertising the machine market was good, but after a year, the sales went down suddenly. After a market survey it was found that there were many competitors in the market and the cost at which they were available was also less. Thus the marketing department asked the corporate P.R. department to design a re-lounge of the washing machine.
You, as P.R. Head – what strategy you would use for the re-lounge?