Top 25 Interestingly Insulting Questions That Can Tick Atheists Off And Make You Look Like a Jerk



An atheist is a person who doesn’t believe in the existence or power of supreme beings. He/she doesn’t follow any religion and worship any god (s). Atheism ranges from philosophical to social to historical approaches. In many religions, atheism is considered to be valid but few school of thoughts believe that like spiritualism, atheism is difficult to be followed. Concept of atheism varies in different places and atheists make up about 4% of the world population.


Here are Top 25 Interestingly Insulting Questions That Can Tick Atheists Off And Make You Look Like a Jerk which you should avoid to ask:

1) Can you tell me more about atheism?

2) Why don’t you believe in God?

3) Is atheism also a religion?

4) Do you worship devils / spirits?

5) Do you think that You are God?

6) How can people trust you / believe you?

7) Do  you believe in “nothing”?

8) Why don’t you mind your business and stop preaching people that they should not believe in God?

9) Why do you atheists get angry so easily?

10) Do you have the evidence of who created the universe?

11) Can’t you see a supreme power everywhere around you?

12) Do you know what’s the meaning of life?

13) Do you feel sad or hopeless when you don’t believe in God?

14) Why do you celebrate festivals when you don’t believe in them?

15) If you don’t believe in anything, then how do you believe in atheism?

16) What do you atheists do when you are wrong? Do you go to hell or heaven?

17) What happens to life after death for you atheists? 

18) Are you angry to God / Has God been unfair to you at any point of time?

19) If you think religious people are narrow-minded because they believe in myths which doesn’t exist, how open-minded are  you atheists by thinking that nothing exists? 

20) Have you ever read a Quran/Bible/Bhagavad Gita/any religious book?

21) Do you believe in “miracles” / Has any miracle happened to you in the past?

22) Why are you atheists so arrogant?

23) Do you have any friends who believe in spiritualism or regionalism?

24) Do you atheists fear / get afraid of anything? 

25) What problems can atheism solve? 


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