Happy Hindu New Year / Hindu Nav Varsh 2014 HD Images, Greetings, Wallpapers Free Download


India’s culture is varied and diverse in nature. Although the government has set up the Indian national calendar covering up the religious festivals among Hindus, Buddhist and Jains in 1957, the regional variants still exists. As Hindu religious theory of eras divides time in 4 yugs (ages) i.e. Satya Yug, Treta Yug, Dwapar Yug, KaliYug. It is believed that we are living in KaliYug after the death of Lord Krishna. Most of our religious festivals and auspicious occasions are decided on the basis of lunar movements. For example, Hindus in various states of India celebrate the new year in their own ways and not all of these fall on the same day. Hindus of Kashmir have their new year – Navreh, Hindus in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have their new year – Ugadi, Marathas observe Gudi Padwa, Sindhis observe Cheti Chand on the very first day of Chaitra month.

Check out our amazing beautiful collection of Happy Hindu New Year 2014 wallpapers, greetings, images in HD for free:

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