So, you love writing and enjoying your exams? Wanna know the 10 mistakes you commit while giving exams:
#1. Worrying what kind of questions will be asked in exams leading to panic and procrastination. #2. Demonstrating your understanding without referring to any study material which shows your lack of analysis in a particular topic/subject. #3. Managing your time without any proper plan. Taking more than 20 minutes to read only the question paper and attempting difficult questions in the start leading to lose of confidence. #4. Filling the pages without understanding what is being asked in the question paper i.e. picking up the keywords in the question and trying to write out rehearsed answers (not related to the topic). #5. After writing every answer, counting the words and calculating how much marks you will score for each question. This is purely waste of time where you are more concerned with quantity than quality. #6. Being selective in what you choose to read rather than what is important to read. If you only refer to your class notes of a particular subject, you would end up writing only that much. Instead you should refer to 2-3 books, give yourself plenty of time to read and remember as much as possible. #7. Copy-pasting the lecture material i.e. you read and write only what is being taught to you in the class and you don’t add any new learned examples in your answers. Sometimes due to technical errors, you would also end up writing the mistakes which you studied in the PPT/notes without even rectifying it. #8. Writing all answers in a generic format without mentioning any specifications. If you have studied the whole chapter, you need to write everything about the topic but write the response for what specifically is being asked. #9. Being careless by quoting wrong definitions with wrong names. If the question is to define a topic, you should write the exact definition mentioned in the textbook/notes alongwith correct names. #10. Ignoring spelling mistakes and grammatical structure of the sentences. In order to complete the paper as fast as possible, you shouldn’t forget the standard academic English rules while writing.