So, you are completely unprepared for the final exams and looking for few tips to get you passing marks. Simply follow the below tips to make you feel relaxed and secure:
Reading 300-500 pages textbook is so dumb and crazy. You won’t even remember a single concept and hence, you need a strategy to get all the important information from the book. Make a list of the important topics which your professor/scholar friend might have informed you and highlight the keywords/sentences of each topic. Know 3 things of each of the topics i.e. Meaning/Definition, Features/Characteristics/Process, Conclusion. Do whatever you want to remember those topics by making flashcards, code-words etc. Ask a friend politely to borrow his/her lecture notes (through email) and get some pointers on what textbook chapters are very very important. After rattafying for so long hours, ask yourself few questions and check if you know the answers. Try to study smart instead of hard. Think from a professor’s point of view and predict how he can screw you in exams. Just focus on those questions and make your basics clear. Try to sleep for atleast 5-6 hours so that you can concentrate and recall the material you did last night. Feel relaxed and do a light review just to reassure yourself that you have studied something. In the morning, pack a snack with lots of protein like nuts, apple slices to give your brain some extra fuel. As soon as you reach the exam hall, just chill and just glance your flashcards once so that you can recall everything you studied.
P.S. Studying 1 night before exams is really difficult and doesn’t get good results. Try the above at your own risk.