“Be confident, clear your concepts and try to give your 100%” says Mridula Desai, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, Gogate College


Interview with Mridula Sadanand Desai, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, Gogate Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri who scored 77%.



How does it feel to be a Topper in the university exams? Whom will you credit your success to? What was your success mantra?

When your efforts are properly appreciated it is obviously a happy & great feeling. I would give my success credit to my teaching faculty, my parents and my friends with whom I studied. There is not a special mantra for this achievement but yes never limit your studies with books only stay connected with practical knowledge and be consistent in studies.

Did you prepare any timetable and please share your study strategy/exam tips to crack each subject of sem 5?

First of all do not start the studies at last moment. From the beginning you have to be in touch with the subjects. It is not necessary to follow a strict time table as you get bored to have that everyday. All you have to do is if possible do not miss the lectures. If a sub is tough then go for the simplest part of it, so that you have a feeling that yes i know this much from this.

Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

It depends upon your capacity to do everything on your own and your grasping power. I was not enough confident to do my SSF practicals on my own so i joined tutions for that. It helped me for practicing the problems and I got more time for the FM sub.


What was your specialization subject? Why did you opt for it?

It was Special Studies in Finance for 5th sem. Not a fixed reason but as we have marketing in semesters before so  I went for SSF and yes also due to my interest.

Can you list the textbooks you referred for all subjects?

  • HRM – Vipul Publications
  • SSM – Himalaya Publications
  • Ethics – Sheth Publications
  • Losigtics – Vipul Publications
  • F.M – Vipul
  • SSF – Not a particular book

Which was your worst paper? Why? Which was your best paper? Why?

FM paper solving was worst for mi as it was tricky one and I didn’t complete it as per my wish. Other wise remaining papers were just fantastic. As I said before, have practical knowledge and it was useful in my Ethics and HRM papers. That is the only reason why these papers were easy for me.

Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

I never make an equation like Studies = Stress and tension. I would like to say that make your studies your interest & not compulsion. In case if you are failed in doing it all right, please try again but never give up. To avoid burden of studies do it regularly.

The Black Book project contributing a significant part to the percentage, please share the experiences you had during the preparation of the project and how has it benefited you.

My project work was on “Women Entrepreneurship” in my area. It was a great experience to do the research work. Project study helped me to know lots of things about this topic. Getting interacted with women, knowing their problem, filling the questionnaire etc was much interesting. Presenting the collected data, making changes, rectifying the mistakes and so on, all these gave me a useful view towards such task.

Did you pursue any additional courses/ internships alongside BMS? What are your future  plans?

Yahh, I have done summer training for one and half month at mango processing unit in labeling department as junior assistant. I am planning to do my MBA further and trying it at my best.


Any tips and advises for your juniors?

Believe in yourself. Never be a book worm, enjoy each and every activity along with your studies. It will keep you active. And yes do your work with full dedication do not go for the short cuts FRIENDS…….. All the best for your upcoming schedule…….

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