Just got an update from our sources:
Students securing 14, 15, 16 and 17 marks in Financial Management exam of November 2013 will get 24 marks.
No statutory gracing is applied. So students scoring 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 marks will have to appear for re-exams.
Grade cards are expected in few days.
Revaluation results for other subjects will take more time and may come in a week’s time.
From tomorrow ATKT exams are starting, so students should appear for other subjects too if failed.
What we feel:
there is no university circular stating anything related to the grace marks, hence, students are advised to appear for the respective ATKT exams if they have scored 9,10,11,12, 13 marks. Others who have got 14 marks and above, please follow what your college instructs you to do. We shall update here if university publishes any circular.
This news is very frustrating as students were misguided by TOI article published few days back which read:
Final-year students of Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) have heaved a sigh of relief after Mumbai University increased the internal grace marks. Moreover, students who have merely failed in financial management will be granted the benefit of two types of grace marks-statutory grace marks and internal grace marks. Besides, the results of revaluation will be out in a day or two, said controller of examinations Padma Deshmukh.
The rule of applying two kinds of grace marks will be allowed to all those with a minimum score of 9 and they will automatically clear the subject. Explaining the criteria for statutory grace marks, dean T P Madhu Nair said that if a student had failed only in one subject, 1% of the aggregate score or 5 marks, whichever was lower, could be awarded to students. Additionally, 10 marks of internal grace score will also be granted.
For instance, if a student has scored 11, 5 marks under the statutory gracing rule and 10 marks as internal grace score will be added, thus taking the overall score in financial management to 26. “I have written to the vice-chancellor to grant one more provision to students. I have stated that if students take a re-exam, the higher score of either attempt must be considered in the result,” said Nair.
A great lesson learned indeed that University can screw BMS students’ life at any point of time.
I’m seriously comfused! Should i even prepare? i got 16 in FM!
Man this M.U. has gone mad…! They are confusing us so much…!! Can’t they publish 1 single clear circular ? What now i got 12 and I am confused…!!! And what if KT papers are worst than this ! And there is so less time remaining !!!
Bt its still confusing wether who scored above 14 should give the exam or not? Plesae if possible clearify this query.
Pls give us a correct information..as m scoring 13 in FM…n in a week we have our exam..
Is MU gone mad…. I have got 17 mks atleast tell whether to study or not for atkt exms …. its just a disgrace
Even Kids get bored after playing with a toy for a long time
MU playing with life of students for years
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mu forward ur official cirrcular to collegee plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
stundentsss aree totally in stresssssssssssssss
whetherr to prepare for Fm paperr or notttttttttt
soo plzzzzzz a humble request to MU give a official cirrcular to college so that students can be relief………………………..
MU plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz send a cirrcularrr
students have lesser time to prepare and all college r waiting for official cirrcular soo plzzzzzzzzzz do something MU
and students r alsoo waitingg for cirrcularrrrrr
MU is patheticccc
check the results section on MU site .. it’s the “amended” results which are out.. so I guess these are the ones which the ppl above 14 were waiting for to get 10 grace marks.. coz I had got 16 and now it’s showing “successful” with the same seat no of sem 5
i have got 15 in fm..but its showing unsuccessful..what is going on???
FINAL IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding today’s BMS Sem 5 results.
Check out at: