Interview with Kinjal Doshi, BMS Campus Rockstar, Nagindas Khandwala College



5 interesting things about yourself.

  • Achievements: I have been participating in various inter and intra collegiate festivals and winning various management events. In my second year of bms I was Public Relations Head of intercollegiate seminar KIRAN and inter-collegiate festival MIRAGE. I have been organizing Alumni@Campus which an alumni’s club wherein alumni’s come and interact with BMS students and share their experience regarding how BMS has helped them in growing and climbing the ladder of success.
  • Skills/knowledge : I have good team management skills, time management, communicating and co-ordinating skills and I am very systematic and organised in my work.
  • Aim / philosophy in life : I believe work is worship and giving best in everything and anything we do.
  • Future plans : Planning to complete post graduation, take up job for gaining experience and then pursue MBA.
  • Hobbies :  Cooking, listening music and reading books are my hobbies. I like trekking and various outdoor sports like white water rafting, paragliding and so on.

5 fantastic things about your BMS life:

  • Positive and negative things about your college : Nkbms provides lots of opportunities to excel and discover our hidden potential. We have best faculties teaching us and helping us in our holistic development. Vice-principal and co-ordinator Prof. Mona Bhatia have been our source of inspiration. Helping us in excelling and delivering our best.
  • Positive and negative things about BMS course: Bms course helps in all round development of students especially in improving one’s platform skills.
  • How has bms course helped you to develop your personality : I was an introvert…bms has helped me in improving my public speaking and communicating skills..making me an extrovert. Intercollegiate festivals and events has helped me in enhancing my expressive and creative side.
  • Changes to be made in the course : More curricular activities and internship programmes
  • Fav bms / college memories: Nkbms is my second home..everything right from going for marketing rounds, being part of organizing committee for KIRAN in which Sir Raghu Ram and Rajeev Laxman from Roadies were speakers and attending sunburn campus as opening night for  MIRAGE, Working  till late night  for festivals have been part of my favorite memories….. I was blessed to have wonderful batch of seniors who have helped me in overcoming my weaknesses’ and learning new things……I cherish all those moments spent with my seniors and my friends in my 2 years of bms.

3 amazing tips to youngsters/juniors?
•Participate….it will help your grow and excel.
• Never give up….no matter how hard situation is.
• and last believe in yourself.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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