Top 5 Completely Unknown Useless Facts Of Happy Draw A Bird Day 2014


draw a bird day

1) Draw A Bird Day is celebrated worldwide on 8th April every year.

2) It is a movement originated in United Kingdom in the mid to late 1940s to let people all over the world draw birds and share the images with everyone for viewing pleasure.

3) Draw A Bird Day was originated with a pencil, then came crayons, then computer drawing packages and now using Internet people draw a bird and share their drawings with many people than before.

4) The day is all about spreading joy and there is no contest of whose bird looks perfect or accurate. 

5) This day is never declared as an official holiday. All you have to do is take pencil, pens, brushes, draw a bird and tweet #drawapictureofabirdday.

Such days are celebrated to find happiness by doing simple things 🙂

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