Most Popular On Twitter – Top 10 #WeWantModi Tweets Trending These Days



  1. Gujarat has improved its agricultural output substantially #WeWantModi
  2. #WeWantModi : For Development For Job For Security For Pride For Security Of Army
  3. The world is already talking of the possible positive outcomes every nation and business will have after Modi becomes PM #WeWantModi
  4. The rupee will grow stronger with MODI as PM #WeWantModi
  5. People who say there is no MODI wave are actually lost inside the waves and cant see the outer world #WeWantModi #BJP
  6. We don’t want a violent PM but we also don’t want a Silent PM……MODI JI is the best candidate…. #WeWantModi
  7.  During late 2011 and early 2012, Modi undertook a series of fasts as part of a Sadbhavna Mission (Goodwill Mission) #WeWantModi
  8. Modi ji focus is not merely a beautiful city but a city that mad beautiful on the parameters of good health n cleanliness #WeWantModi
  9. Narendra Modi has become an Iconic Symbol of Good Governance and Intergrity . #WeWantModi
  10. He began work in the staff canteen of Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation #WeWantModi


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