Still haven’t purchased a textbook to study for your final semester exams? Here we list all the easy-language useful books which can guarantee you success (as it covers the entire syllabus given by Mumbai University):
1) Entrepreneurship and Management of SMEs – Romeo S. Macarenhas
2) Operations Research – P.V. Borwankar / Nitin Kulkarni / D.M. Doke
3) International Finance – Dipak Abhyankar
4) Indian Management Thoughts & Practices – Rangana Ghatak / Anita Bobade
5) International Marketing – N.G. Kale, M. Ahmed
6) Retail Management – Vijaykumar Bhatia / Jia Makhija
7) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management – P.K. Bandgar
8) Econometrics- P.V. Borwankar
Students can also check for Rishabh/Himalaya publication textbooks if the above Vipul Publications textbooks are not available in the market.
Go fr Rishabh…
Good content is given n easy language….